
Wack Wednesday Two pet Peeves

This will by no means be a staple, but I want to point out two things that bother me.  I think they're wack  and I just gotta get it off my chest.

1. People who constantly complain about the weather.  I live in a city that experiences all four seasons in dramatic fashion, with summer temperatures reaching a blistering 98-101 degrees (during a heatwave) and with blizzards that drop a beautiful 10 inches of snow.  NYC requires a closet ready for both extremes and everything in between.  BUT, for those who hate the cold, complaining about it doesn't help and when these same people complain about how hot it is in the summer time my patience wears very thin.  If you don't like the cold stay out of the North.  If you hate the heat stay out the south. If you hate both...kick rocks and tape ya mouth...

2. People who use curses and swearing when making religious affirmations.  I'm not one to judge folks. It's not my judge, but there's something that bothers me about something like this "God has granted me the ability to succeed at all I do.  He also blessed me with thick skin against my haters. So I'm on top of the (insert expletive here) because I am the (insert again) man.  Holla at ya boy!"

What are some wack things that bother you?!

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand when people do things in public they should only do in the confines of their bathrooms/bedrooms. ie: Filing nails on the train, and flossing (yes, I've seen someone do this FULL OUT WHOLE MOUTH at Whole Foods) YUCK!

    There should still be etiquette and public policy(I'm changing the meaning) books for how to behave when you're around people!



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